Do You Have Gluten Sensitivity? Use this Checklist

Do you have gluten sensitivity symptoms? You can use this checklist to find out. Many people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity and are not aware of it. Unfortunately, they may have chronic symptoms or have been diagnosed with other diseases that may be tied to this. It’s amazing that some people will try a gluten-free diet not knowing that they are sensitive and feel tremendously better after several days or weeks. Unfortunately, if you are sensitive and are not aware of it, long-term intake of gluten can lead to chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, and contribute to other chronic diseases.

I, personally was unaware that I was sensitive to gluten and developed Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease. Now, after many years of being gluten-free, I know that I am taking control of my health to reduce the potential risk of developing other autoimmune diseases.

To see if you may have gluten sensitivity, you can start with this checklist to identify signs or potential symptoms. To get more information about symptoms of non-celiac gluten sensitivity, see my blog here. Additional resources can be found on the Gluten Intolerance Group website.

Use this checklist to find out if you may have gluten sensitivity.

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