Achieve Freedom from Inflammation and Joint Pain… Move from Pain to Peace™

I help committed, optimistic, family-focused individuals who’ve hit a wall with joint pain, turn it around naturally so that they can feel better, move better, and live better.

With my board certifications as a health coach and functional nutrition expertise, I provide clients with access to lab testing, analysis to uncover hidden sources of inflammation, personalized recommendations for natural healing protocols, and the holistic coaching support they need to help them feel better, move better, and live better.

Types of Pain, Chronic Symptoms, or Signs of Inflammation Causing Functional Problems Where I Help Clients:

  • Joint pain & stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Bowel Issues (Constipation, Diarrhea, Bloating, Gas, Cramping)
  • Psychological Pain (chronic stress)
  • Brain Fog or Sleep Issues
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Exercise Intolerance
  • Food Sensitivity
  • Weight Gain/Inability to Lose Weight Even with Dieting
  • Inflammation exacerbating autoimmune Issues

Client Desires:

  • Less reliance on medication with the potential of unwanted side effects such as fatigue, brain fog, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, bleeding, etc.)
  • Increased feelings of hope that it is possible to decrease or resolve symptoms and reliance on medication.
  • Feel better (less pain)
  • Move better (less stiffness, less inflammation, increased flexibility)
  • Live Better (Less stress, increased hope, and engagement in life)

PxP Solutions:

  • Figuring out how to reduce and prevent inflammation and pain by eating the right diet for your body.
  • Exploring and uncovering imbalances in your body, called hidden healing opportunities, with functional lab testing to restore peace to the body.
  • Formulating a personalized, natural, comprehensive peace plan that will produce long-lasting inflammation and pain-free results so that you feel better, move better, and live better.
  • Rebalance the body so it works the way it’s supposed to

Questions for you:

Do you feel the effects of aging, move more slowly, and with more pain than your friends?

Are you preparing for an active and fulfilling life beyond your career but worried that you will continue to age faster and move slower?

Has stress made you chronically lose sleep and/or caused you gut issues or worsened your pain?

Do you want to participate more actively with your friends, grandchildren, or other family members but can’t seem to find the energy to go to that exercise class or golf?

Are you sick and tired of your symptoms and ready to change your health behaviors so that you can find peace from pain, stress, fatigue, gut issues, or other issues?

If you responded yes to any of the above, I have the program to support you to feel better, move better, and live better. Here’s how:

You: I want to help you move from feeling hopeless to hopeful and from out of control with inflammation and pain, to feel better and more in control of your health. In coaching sessions, you are the focus and so, it’s important for you to actively participate.  You know what you want and why. I coach and provide education and resources to help you explore your health goals and outcomes that are important to you. We will examine the pieces of your health and wellness that are out of balance through lab self-testing and opportunities for healing. Then, we will develop specific goals and track your progress.

Mind: Our brain constantly takes in information and generates thoughts. Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are related. Feelings are an emotional response to thoughts and behaviors. Behaviors are the actions generated by our thoughts and feelings.  Our mindset is the result of all of these and influences our ability to make the needed changes to improve our health. I use EFT and TFT (Tapping) therapies with clients to address their mindset and pain.

Stress (whether from emotional, chemical, or physical stressors) can significantly impact pain and other symptoms as it is a primary cause of inflammation. You will learn techniques to reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and promote adequate sleep. Reducing stress can decrease both inflammation and pain in many people.

Body: The state of your body is often the long-term result of diet and lifestyle which can, if not right for you, impact inflammation and pain. Self-testing through labs can help you identify where your body may be out of balance, and what the key pieces are for healing opportunities. By correlating your labs with other assessments, we can develop an individualized PEACE protocol to help reverse symptoms of inflammation and pain.

Spirit: Your spirit is the deepest sense of you, your emotions, and your character. As your health coach, I help you explore emotions that may be blocking your recovery and help you to use your character strengths to take action to achieve your health goals.

Relationships: Relationships and community with others are essential to achieving your health goals. I can assist you with finding community with others to support you in your health journey as well as with how to approach your relationships to be successful in your journey.

The Blue Lotus in Buddhism is the symbol of the victory of the spirit over the senses, of intelligence and wisdom, of knowledge. It is generally shown as a partially opened bud with the center unseen, representing the “perfection of wisdom.” At PxP, the partially opened center is the potential of YOU and who you can be. The other petals represent your mind, body, spirit, and relationships/community. The goal is to tap into your wisdom and achieve your potential by working on those areas that need to expand to achieve your desired health goals.

Rooted in the mud, the lotus rises to blossom, symbolizing purity and resurrection. The leaves and flowers are borne high above the water. It is often compared to an enlightened being emerging from chaos and confusion.

Lotus flower blooms provide a spiritual meaning of ascension, enlightenment, or rebirth.  Historically, the blue lotus has been used medicinally to assist with relief from depression, stress, as well as promote sleep, and relief from gastrointestinal discomfort.

It’s time for your enlightenment and rebirth to health and wellness. Take action to improve your health by committing to this health coaching program to achieve your goals to become healthier in mind, body, spirit, and/or relationships.

Yours in peace and wellness. Your Champion Peacemaker,